
What are your needs? Our team of clinicians is qualified and trained to cater to them may it be at your Church, Organization, or Group! Call us today!

* We also provide Supervision for Marriage & Family Therapist and Social Work Associates

Seminars/Workshops/Courses Offered:

Adjusting to Divorce and Separation

Anger Management

Assertiveness Training

Building Self-esteem

Burn-out?! Not Me!

Conflict Resolution in the work place

Cultural Diversity

Female Genital Mutilation

Health and Fitness

Independent Living Skills

Men and Anger, Women and Anger

Parent-Child Communication

Parenting after Separation

Parenting Children of Divorce

Parenting Teens

Preventing Care-taker Burnout

Self-Esteem Day for Women

Separation and Divorce

Spring Cleaning Inside Out! What is eating away at you?

Stress Management

Stress and the Holidays

Suicide Prevention

Team Building

Self-Love & Appreciation

Don't go through it alone! There is help! Call Us Today!

24-Hour Care Access:

Schedule Your Session Today!

Dr. Caroline Kristo and her team would love to help you BLOSSOM into the best that you can become.


M-F: 8am - 8pm
Sat: 8am - 5pm
Sun: By Appointment Only

Please Note

***No one will be denied services based on inability to pay and discounts are available based on family size and income.

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